Marianne and Rachel quickly sprang into action setting up their equipment and supplies like a well-oiled machine.
Cory says it was the best day of his life and I’d have to agree.
Baby Jacqueline
With each of my two daughters had tried to have a natural childbirth experience in a hospital. Both times I succumbed to getting an epidural. When I became pregnant with my third child I really wanted to make a natural delivery happen. After going to see Ina May Gaskin speak and then reading her book, “Guide to Natural Childbirth,” my husband, Cory, and I realized there was no turning back. We needed to have a home birth.
At 34 weeks I found Marianne who instantly made us feel comfortable and confident in our decision and we moved forward with our plans. By the time I was in labor, I had been having contractions for weeks, which was really confusing. A week before the birth I tried eating spicy Indian food and going for a long walk. The whole walk I had contractions and they became very regular and tight. I called Marianne after the walk and she said to drink water and to sit down. I did, and then the contractions stopped. I was bummed. I went about my week and for the first time started to experience the frustration so many pregnant women have of “when am I going to have this baby??”
On Wednesday after I dropped off my daughter at dance class, I drove to Marianne’s house and only had about 20 minutes to meet with her. Marianne checked me and I was 2 cm dilated. She said she could stretch me to 3 cm and she asked if I wanted her to strip my membranes. I was excited knowing it could induce labor. She did it and boy it hurt!
On Thursday afternoon while Cory worked downstairs and my girls watched a movie, I headed to a bakery for some whoopie pies and then to a nail salon for a mani/pedi! It was such a treat to be by myself getting pampered. Cory had dinner ready as soon as I walked in. What a guy!
On Friday I was having contractions but they were easy and far apart. I made plans to meet my friend (who I happened to visit the day before she delivered her son on the exact same day the year before) and her boys at the bike path to hopefully get things going. On my way, around 1:30 PM, Marianne called to check in. I told her I was having contractions but they weren’t consistent or painful and she said to let her know if they picked up. While walking I kept having them and they started to pinch lower in the front than before. I didn’t want to get my hopes up so I didn’t get excited.
Friday night the contractions kept coming and after the kids went to bed we timed them and they were pretty consistent and getting a little stronger. Marianne was at a friend’s house and said she would head home in case I needed her to come over. I called my parents around 7:30 PM and told them I may need them to come down but I wasn’t sure. I was stressed because I had had a false alarm the weekend before and didn’t know if it was real labor this time either. I didn’t like having to decide if my parents should make the two-hour drive late at night and I didn’t want to inconvenience Marianne either.
Around 9:30 PM I called my parents and said I thought they should come down. My mom was so sweet about it. Cory and I watched TV and timed contractions and I was stressed out and crying because I couldn’t decide if I should have Marianne come or not. I decided to have her come and she and my parents all arrived around 12:30 AM. It was so exciting and nerve-wracking and strange to have them all arrive late at night. Marianne checked me and I was 4 cm dilated. We just sat in the living room and talked quietly.
I felt so much pressure because it felt like they were all waiting on me to have contractions (even though no one was putting any pressure on me) and the contractions slowed to twenty minutes apart. Marianne headed home but was so sweet and made me feel comfortable to call her back in the middle of the night if I needed to. My parents went to bed. Cory and I went to bed and I took a Benadryl (Rachel gave me this idea if I was in early labor and needed to sleep) and I passed out and slept four hours! I woke up around 6:30 AM feeling pretty rested and excited for the day and to see my parents.
I went to the bathroom and the sun was coming up and shining through the trees. I took a picture of it thinking that this might be the day I have my baby. When I came downstairs my mom was on the couch with a big smile for me and wanted to know how I was doing. I was having contractions but they were easy. We had the most amazing morning. We lounged around, the girls performed for us on the karaoke machine in the living room, and I really wanted to go for a walk so we took our time getting ready.
My parents, Cory, the girls, and I all headed out for a walk along our road around 10:30 AM. It was so cold out (48 degrees in Mid-May) so we bundled up. My older daughter brought her bike and Cory pulled our youngest daughter in the wagon. Cory, my dad, and the girls walked ahead and talked while Mom and I brought up the rear. The contractions were getting stronger so I walked slowly with each one and took deep breaths.
By the time we got to the end of the street, the girls were throwing rocks in the stream and making wishes. As we started to walk back and I said hi to our neighbor, my daughter said, “Mom, I have to pee so bad!!” so I asked if we could use his bathroom. As he walked us into his house I was having a contraction so I told him I was in labor. After we went to the bathroom he gave us a little tour of his house (built in the early 1700s) on our way out. So cool!
As we walked down the street toward our house the contractions got stronger and when we were almost to the other end I decided I couldn’t go any more. By the time we were home I had to stop during each contraction. We made a plan for my parents to take the girls to pick up sandwiches and whoopie pies! They headed out and Cory and I were left alone. I started to hang my arms around his neck with each contraction.
I realized I had missed a call from Marianne so I called her back and gave her an update. She said that she and Rachel were together because they had just left an appointment so they would swing by to check on me in about forty five minutes. I told them it was perfect timing because I was just planning to call her. I sat on the ball, which felt very comfy, and the contractions seemed to lighten up. It made me nervous that maybe I wasn’t really in labor like I had thought.
I called my sister and between contractions she told me about the house they were going to look at. Then I called my brother and handed the phone to Cory during contractions. I knelt facing the back of the couch with my knees wide apart looking out the window. They were getting stronger and it felt like my parents and Marianne were taking forever to arrive!
Finally they all arrived at the same time and I greeted them on the porch. Marianne later said that when she saw me so chipper she didn’t think I was too far along, but when she saw me hang on Cory during a contraction she said to Rachel, “I think we’re staying, she looks serious.”
I headed upstairs with Marianne and Rachel so Marianne could check me. I whipped off my pants and underwear and laid on the bed. Marianne checked me and said excitedly, “You are a-mazing! You are 9 cm and 90% effaced!” We were all shocked and excited! I realized at that moment that I was definitely having the baby that day, and soon!
Marianne and Rachel quickly sprang into action setting up their equipment and supplies like a well-oiled machine. I walked around the room and ate my chicken Caesar wrap between contractions. Marianne, Rachel, and my mom took turns squeezing my back. My youngest daughter came up for a minute and I was so excited to see her. I gave her a quick kiss. In the weeks leading up to the birth I thought I’d be too stressed to have the girls in the room but in that moment I decided I wanted them there. But when someone asked them if they wanted to see the baby be born they said they’d rather watch their show! Ha ha! I was disappointed but it was funny and what they wanted.
Cory was downstairs helping my dad with the girls and was trying to quickly fill the tub. I was standing and leaning on my bureau and I had two intense contractions. I began to quiver as I breathed deeply. Marianne said quietly, “That’s your baby trying to come down. It’s ok. Allow her to move down.” That was so helpful to me. The word “allow” really resonated with me and instead of my instinct to fight the pain, I tried to allow it so my baby could move down.
Marianne said that even though the tub wasn’t full the warm water would probably feel really good on my legs. As I took off my sweatshirt I asked Cory to get my mom who was downstairs. I climbed in and it immediately felt incredible and relaxing. I think I skipped a contraction because I had a longer than usual break and once again worried that the labor was going away. Marianne took my temperature and listened to the baby’s heartbeat. Then, like a locomotive, the biggest, most intense contraction up until that moment happened. I started to panic in my head because I couldn’t get comfortable. I said I needed to hang on to someone so my mom and Cory tried to support me. Mom pulled out my hands to make sure they were relaxed. Rachel or Marianne poured warm water on my back, which felt incredible. I pushed my face into the side of the tub. It didn’t feel like I had much of a break between that contraction and the next one and with the next one I felt a new sensation of pressure and I thought, ‘maybe I should push?’ so my quiet moaning turned into a quiet grunting sound and I was pushing. It was so intense that I thought for sure her head was out and I said, “the head’s out” but no one said anything so I asked and they said it was almost out.
I felt discouraged but they kept encouraging me. I remembered that in the intensity of pushing out my niece, my sister said ‘Jesus’ in her mind as the only prayer she could muster and so I did the same. With the next push her head was out and then I pushed out her body. What a relief!
Before I saw her I heard her scream. That’s the best sound! I looked over my left shoulder and saw her! I wanted to hold her but I couldn’t figure out how. Everyone was telling me how to move but I was out of it and didn’t understand. I finally understood to put my leg over the cord and then I held her and sat back. I was so excited to be holding her and for Cory, my mom, and the girls to see her! We told everyone her name was Jacqueline.
I thought her sweet little cry sounded like our second daughter’s. The girls were in awe of all of the blood in the water and asked what it was. I held Jackie tight and tried to keep her warm in the blankets. She had her hand and really long fingers over her whole face. I wasn’t able to enjoy that moment as much as I was hoping because I didn’t feel well. I couldn’t believe I had to push more to get the placenta out. I thought I was done! My butt really hurt and I felt sick to my stomach. Marianne clamped the cord and Cory cut it.
After a few minutes they helped me stand and walk to the bed. For a couple of hours I felt like I was going to pass out and/or throw up. Rachel or Marianne explained that because my bladder was full it pushed on my uterus making it hard for the clots to come out. Marianne had to keep pushing so hard on my stomach to get the clots out and it was so painful. I was so disappointed I couldn’t hold and enjoy Jackie yet. Once I could hold her again she took to breastfeeding right away.
Marianne gave me Motherwort and Rachel gave me an IV and set up an IV bag of fluids and Pitocin by hanging it from a skirt hanger on the curtain rod behind my bed. The fluids and Pitocin helped a lot and pretty soon I was feeling good and happy! I couldn’t believe I had an 8 lb baby! Marianne and Rachel did my laundry and cleaned up the entire room as if a baby hadn’t just been born there. My parents picked up delicious takeout for dinner. I cuddled with my new baby in the comfort of my own bed and my family sat all around me. It was so special!
The next day was Mother’s Day and my parents took the girls away to an indoor water park for a night while Cory and I bonded with our new baby girl. We are so grateful we made the decision at 34 weeks to switch to Marianne and have a home birth. Cory says it was the best day of his life and I’d have to agree.
— Andrea